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04/09/2011 Entry: "Travel week day 2: Touring Seattle"

Now I know why people like Seattle so much. It's very easy to get around and like a zillion things to do. And we tried to do a zillion of them: Some pastries at the Waterfront. Pike Place Market (complete with yummy tastings and fish throwing). Back to the hotel quickly to regroup. Ye Olde Curiosity Shop. Harbor cruise around Elliott Bay (amazing views of the city and the docks-yes I'm a sucker for cranes). Drink at the Edgewater (about as on the edge of the water as we could get). Walked through the sculpture park, up to the Space Needle. Monorail to downtown. Through Seattle Art Museum for a long time. Back to the hotel again to collapse. Dinner at the Bookstore Bar in our hotel. Monorail back to the Space Needle to see the sights at night. Drinks at the art museum bar (which looked much better on paper). And finally a nightcap at the bookstore bar again. It appears that in Seattle we likes things so much we go through them multiple times. Great sites, pretty good food and drink. And weather so beautiful my forehead now has a rosy glow. Can't wait for day 3.

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