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03/02/2002 Entry: "Settling in the hotel"

I'm in the worst $229 hotel room ever... except for one thing... the view. I have a beautiful view of the French Quarter and the river. And honestly, the room is not that bad.

Thanks to the fine folks at stsn.com and $10/day... I've got pretty much high speed internet access. I've sent email, I'm IMing Jim right now. Pretty cool.

My travelling companion, I-Sung, and I walked around the French Quarter and had some lunch. We even walked down Bourbon Street for a bit. There's a lot of loud music, beer, and strip clubs there. I can only partially imagine what it will be like this evening, and I can't imagine what it would be like during Mardi Gras.

I'm not quite sure what we are doing this evening. It's raining. I'm sure that I'll let y'all know.

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Copyright 2001, Adam Stanley